I am asking that all of you take a few minutes and read this affidavit from Dave Zabriski

Mr. Zabriski is a professional cyclist.  He is a National Champion many times over. He also was a member of Lance Armstrong's US Postal Service team during the time when Armstrong won so many Tour de France titles.  

He was forced to cheat by Armstrong and others.  He is still responsible for his actions.  Please also read the various news articles about Armstrong and his many years of cheating.  This is IMPORTANT.

Lance Armstrong cheated for many many years. He is finally being called out by the very individuals he asked to cheat in order to help him with the Tour de France.

He may go to jail. Cheat
Destroyer X
10/11/2012 05:44:47 am

Well that was...... interesting.

Destroyer X
10/11/2012 05:47:17 am

Why would you work so hard and then choose to cheat and lie?

The Awesome
10/11/2012 06:07:30 am

People are stupid what do you expect

Lord of Titan
10/16/2012 01:38:54 am

because, some people are not that strong in the head.

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