Your homework assignment for today.  This assignment is due THURSDAY Jan 31.  Expect a quiz on this material Thursday.

SWACANA CH 17 ~~Pages 422 – 432
Make sure to READ and REVIEW all of chapter 9 as well as the notes you took based on this previous assignment

Ch 9 Cultural Geography of Latin America (pages 216 – 236)

I've included the actual assignment in the event you need it to review.  The quiz MONDAY will come directly from this information.

I want to remind you that if you did not take your textbook home and are not able to open your online textbook, I am not able to provide help or a solution. You were told to take your textbook home during lunch today.  You are responsible for the information.

Expect a quiz on Thursday on this material
Be sure to READ and understand Ch 12 Section 1
1) complete the following assignment to turn in.
 Page 326    Key terms. (follow the instructions)              
#2 a and b
#3 a
#4 a and b

2) Find the name of the individuals who are in the following positions for the Town of Warrenton and Fauquier county.   Be prepared to turn the names in for a grade.
Mayor of Warrenton
Warrenton Town Council
Warrenton Town Manager
Fauquier County Board of Supervisors
Fauquier County Sheriff



Here are links to websites for some of our outside activities

XC ski areaLes Sentiers du Moulin

Sugar shack!  TOTALLY AWESOME~!
Caban a Pierre

Tubing !

Hey guys!  Here is  a link to an article in the Fauquier Democrat. It is a very good example of how Public Policy affects us locally.  Please read it and be prepared to discuss it in class.

You may need to copy and past the link into a new browser to get it to work

CE~ VA State Gov


Here is the assignment for Chapter 11.  Virginia State Government.  This is due Monday January 14.  You will have a quiz on this material Monday as well.  Instructions are on the paper itself.  Find the assignment here or on the Civics page.  
Click here to open the blueprint for the Virginia state government brochure
The instructions are simple.  Follow the blueprint by answering the questions in each section.  Delete the questions and write in the appropriate description.  Remember that this is a brochure and information should be brief, yet complete.  You have TWO days to complete this during class!  I will have other assignments for Homework.

OK GUYS!  I finally have something worked out.  This is the first time I've put together something that is more open ended.  There are some ideas included in the rubric.  Please read through it carefully BEFORE you tackle anything.  Feel free to shoot me questions. I'll try to answer as soon as I am able.  But suffice to say, anything you do and do well will be considered as long as you have at least followed the spirit of the rubric.
Here is the Link in word form as well as pdf
Country Project special interest rubric
Country Project special interest rubric pdf
You have been assigned a country.  If you cant remember please see me.  The Rubric for the project is here.

This is the basic rubric.  The project MUST be completed on the paper I provide to you. If you lose it and need another, see me.  I will add the instructions for  additional part of the project later this week